Ultra-Flex mouldings are easy to install and finish. They are manufactured with a latex-based primer coat, which aids the finish in adhering to the profile. Many quality products are available as well as many ways to apply them. Use the same caution for Ultra-Flex that is used for other finishes with respect to climatic conditions that can alter how finishes are applied and dry. Most of the time, Ultra-Flex will finish with the same process you are using to finish other wood mouldings. Gel Stain is recommended. Please test a small sample to assure your finishes are adhering.
Ultra-Flex is climate-sensitive and should not be exposed to temperatures under 60 degrees F or greater than 110 degrees F. When Ultra-Flex arrives at the jobsite, it should be removed from the carton and laid on a flat surface — preferably in moderate temperatures or in a warm, sunny location.
Ultra-Flex arrives coiled in its shipping container. However, Ultra-Flex has an excellent memory and after 30-40 minutes in a moderate climate, it will return its originally formed shape for installation.
To place your order complete the below form.
Resin Order Form
Complete the below form to help us with your order or click here to download the Order Form and email to sales@whiteriver.com.
• Solid wood curved mouldings can be manufactured for most of our profiles from in-stock hardwood.
• Resin mouldings can be manufactured for crown, case, base, chairrail and panel mouldings. Resin mouldings can be painted or stained and will offer a cost savings over solid wood. Many mouldings on curved wall applications are only available in flexible resins.
• The maximum length of Resins is 12’, minimum length is 5’ and all resins are sold by the whole foot (no half feet). • Resins can be used for interior and exterior work. When used as exterior trim, opulent applications can be applied with complete weatherability.
• Original resin moulds are cast from Poplar or Maple. See Price List for those available in Red Oak. Customer is responsible for mould charges if a specific profile has not been cast by White River.
CASINGS l Solid Wood or Resins
• True half-circle - inside radius or diameter
• Arch (eyebrow or segment) - inside rise and span or template
• Ellipse - template only • Profile number, species, lengths, and count
BACKBANDS l Solid Wood or Resins
• Radius on main casing that backband is to attach to
• Type of curve (arch, ellipse, or half-circle) • Profile number, species, lengths, and count
CROWNS l Solid Wood or Resins
• Is wall concave or convex? • Radius of wall
• Piece count and length of moulding needed (add for waste)
• Profile number, species, lengths, and count
• If these are used horizontally on curved walls then they will not need to be pre-cast. Only lineal footage is needed. To use as Casing, refer to Casing information.
BASEBOARDS l Resins only
• If baseboards are being used in baseboard applications or as part of a crown application on a wall, then baseboards do not need to be pre-cast to a radius. They are ordered as straight pieces and only total lineal footage is needed.
• If baseboards are used as casing or as part of a crown detail where they lay out on the ceiling (not on the wall) then the information under casing will be needed.
PANEL MOULDS l Solid Wood or Resins
• Solid wood panel mouldings can be manufactured for flat wall arch panels, clipped corners and paneled wall applications.
• If the panel mould is used with curved wall application, then straight resin moulding should be ordered.
Our resin mouldings are easy to install and finish. They are manufactured with a latex-based primer coat. This helps the finish to adhere to the profile. There are numerous finishes on the market, and many ways to apply them. There are also climatic reasons that can alter how finishes are applied and dry. Most of the time, resins can be finished with the same process as the finishing of hardwood mouldings. Please test a small sample to see that the finishes you are applying adhere.
Always test your sample before final finishing. Always apply finish to Resin/FLEX after installed as moving or bending will cause cracks in finish. Do not use catalyzed painting systems or conversions lacquers as these or similar finishing techniques may cause cracking on RESIN/FLEX products.