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WR Quote & Freight Tool

Our Excel-based WR Quote & Freight Tool enables you to quickly auto-calculate net pricing and freight costs. Input your White River account information, then fill-in product SKU numbers, species, quantities, etc. for each item you need to quote. The spreadsheet will then do the required math to develop the quote for you. You can also use the tool with a customer’s multiplier to produce quotes for your customer. Quick macro-based buttons enable easy changes. There are mouse-over comments in key fields (noted by the red arrows in the corner) which give helpful explanations for that section. We feel this tool is self-explanatory, but we are happy to offer assistance if needed.

Below are the instructions to use the WR Quote & Freight Tool. To download click the Excel icon to the right and save to your desktop.

Disclaimer: This tool is a good faith effort to accurately estimate and quote White River products. Errors can and do happen. Please report any bugs or mistakes to Nick Bell ( so that they can be fixed and the tool improved.

WR Quote & Freight Tool Review

The upper left contains the first data entry area. Job Title, Customer, and Rep Name/# are used for identification. Discount % and Delivery State are used in calculations for the rest of the spreadsheet. The Discount % is used to calculate net pricing. The Delivery State will help calculate the freight.

Starting from left to right, begin filling in information for each product:
Item: Type in the product SKU. Type in individual components making up LCDs.
Species: Inputting a valid item code will populate this dropdown with available stock species. Select the desired one.
Order Notes: A text field for information about order. Takeoff Quantity: Input the quantity of units of the product.

Specified Lengths: Select “No” for standard random lengths. Select “Yes” when requesting specific length for these mouldings. “N/A” is for products without specified length charges.
Length Range Request: Gives available length options. Values based on product and specified lengths. Shipping methods for each option shown in parenthesis. (See below for more detail)
Waste Factor: Automatically add a waste factor to the order quantity. We recommend 20% as our default.

Length Range Request: Item, Species, and Specified Lengths determines what options are available in this field. Different products have more or less options. The numbers show available lengths. In parenthesis is the shipping option for those lengths. Mouseover the red arrow for more detail.

Order Quantity: This value is calculated by taking the Unit Takeoff and adding extra to cover the WF       Units: This displays how a product is sold (LF, Each, Pair, Set of 4, etc).
List Price: This is the price in the 2018 National Price List.

Discount: This is the value input at the top of the tool.                                                                                   Spec. Len. Upcharge: Percentage based on value in Length Range Requested
Net Price: Calculated by multiplying the List Price by the Discount.
Item Sub Total: Calculated by multiplying the Net Price by the Order Quantity.

The Order Sub Total tallies up all the values above. Estimated FedEx/Estimated LTL is based on the Delivery State and order value. The tool will display the least expensive shipping option in the total column. The more expensive option will be shown to the left. If FedEx shipping is unavailable for the order, only LTL will be shown. All freight estimates assume commercial delivery with a loading dock. Resin is shipped via UPS and its freight is shown under Estimated Resin UPS. All these values are added together to get the Total price of the quote. Estimated Weight gives an approximation of the weight of all products ordered (does not include packaging).

Must the order ship LTL: These questions are autocalculated by the main body of the spreadsheet. If any of these questions are answered yes, the sheet will only calculate the Estimated LTL amount.

Macro Commands contains buttons that execute several commands automatically. Each has an explanation of its purpose to the right. Depending on your Excel security settings, you may need to enable macros for these buttons to work.

Usage Notes gives detailed instructions on how to utilize the tool. These helpful tips can guide anyone to successfully put together quotes.

Freight Notes gives the detailed breakdown on how freight is calculated and what assumptions go into the price.

Compare products

0 of 3 items selected

Select first item to compare

Select second item to compare

Select third item to compare

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