Our Custom Millwork Design Shop specializes in domestic and exotic wood species, unique detailing, heavy embellishments, coffered ceilings and architectural doors. We can take your clients’ photos, proportion the project in CAD, and then build and ship it. We have over 40 years of industry expertise in producing custom woodwork and, our quality is second to none.
If you would like to discuss your next remodeling, restoration or commercial project call us at 1.800.558.0119 or email us at Designs@WhiteRiver.com. We look forward to working with you.
“The most important part of the design process is that we listen to your dreams and expectations and when the job is finished, that you love your interior and you know you were a part of it.”
Joan Johnson
Founder White River
Senior Designer & Product Development
Custom Work Examples

White River reproduced this ornate rangehood from a photo. We designed the center cartouche, plumed corners and panel mouldings that connect these elements together. The main rangehood that we fabricated was installed with corbels below and an acanthus crown finishing it at the top.

Our Custom Shop hand-applied Mon Reale dough to the curved crown. While its color is different in the raw state, it will be finished to match the color of the mahogany. The crown is then cut using our standard moulding knives to create the profile.

The mantel was built by hand in the White River custom shop. Across the face, the mouldings curved toward the central carving. They tapered in both width and height, diminishing until they died into the carving. This involved a lot of hard work and careful hand shaping.

The White River Custom Shop was asked to assist in the restoration of a Drag-u-la car by building the coffin that gives the dragster its unique look. While many people may stop and say “is this possible?”, White River says “we can do it” and have it completed in 4 weeks. It’s all in the details. Say “hello” to the “Green Man”. He is located front and center as the hood ornament. Restoration work on any project precise quality controls.
The Custom Shop fabricated this beautiful piece from three stock White River Mon Reale profiles for jobsite assembly. The profiles were adapted to fit together seamlessly. White River fit the joints and patterns so the installation was easier on the job.

Our Custom Division was asked to manufacture these complex arched panelled pediments that connected the columns. With recessed panels, curved mouldings, keystones and woodcarvings, once crafted, these three pediments installed with ease.