White River and Chief Architect have joined together to bring interior specifiers a residential design solution to add White River decorative embellishments and mouldings to Chief Architect’s 3D Home Design Solutions.
Through this partnership, Chief Architect users will be able to add decorative embellishments and mouldings to their interior 3D renderings to save money and time. Each product featured in our Chief Architect catalog has been scanned using state-of-the-art technology to provide and unparallel level of detail and relief.
To access White River's, Chief Architect® 3D Home Design Software — product catalogue, you must have Chief Architect — Full or Interiors. If you do not have one of these versions please contact Chief Architect at 208-292-3400 or visit their website www.chiefarchitect.com.
To download the latest version of the White River catalog, click here to be directed to the Chief Architect Manufacturer Catalogs and Content web page.